Humanity is impressed with strength. That’s understandable. People who demonstrate a capacity to hold up under heavy loads or endure extreme pressure are generally the exception and not the rule. We view strength in a multitude of ways. It is the theme of movies, the expectation of leadership, the hope of relationships, the focus of […]
Read MoreLove Defined
“Love is love.” The slogan has become the darling of media and commerce, politics and institutions. Multi-colored words are displayed on banners and shouted with pride demanding unchallenged acceptance. A period follows the phrase to close debate. But just who are we debating? If we believe that we have been created equal and endowed by […]
Read MoreEvidence of Weariness
The trail of clothing gave evidence of weariness. A coat was flung on a chair, shoes were dropped, pants laid on the floor with the belt still in the loops and a shirt barely hung on the bed post. The effort required to put everything in order was overcome by exhaustion. Who hasn’t been there? […]
Read MoreThe Passion of Freedom
Every July 4th, Americans have the joy of celebrating freedom. It is a gift of nearly incomparable worth and this honored day is meant to commemorate the blessing of liberty. A longing of people the world over, in America liberty became reality as a Republic. But, as Benjamin Franklin admonished after the signing of the […]
Read MoreBeyond Good Luck
What’s your response when someone is hurting? A fashionable trend is to send good vibes and positive thoughts. Of course, the intent is to encourage, but I wonder if thought is given to that message. Boiled down, it’s the equivalent of saying good luck. Good vibes is short for happy sensations and positive thoughts is […]
Read MoreUneventful Lives
Life is routine. Perhaps that’s why we’re prone to imagine that the rich and powerful, the beautiful and famous are exempt and we envy that idea. It’s a myth and we would be wise to rethink it. People are people. Rich or poor, good or bad, notable or ignored, people face the same 24-hour days […]
Read MoreThe Voice of One
His name was Ebed-Melech and it’s a pretty safe bet that few have ever heard of him. He’s numbered among the unsung heroes of everyday life; those quiet souls that no one notices, or even cares to. Louder voices tend to catch the world’s attention; some in their efforts for good and others in their […]
Read MoreJustice for Truth
It has been recited for generations. Some utter the words from tradition, others from heartfelt commitment: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” From my earliest school days, I can remember […]
Read MoreGhostly Images
As a young girl, a common pastime was riding my bike several days a week to a friend who lived a few miles from my home. Though her neighborhood was comprised of modest houses and manicured lawns, regionally we resided in a fairly urban community. A few small functioning farms were still part of the […]
Read MoreWhat Do You Seek?
The telling of Christmas is incomplete without the message of the wise men. So integral is their part that nativity scenes have long included them at the manger in an effort to condense the story surrounding Jesus’ birth. In truth, they didn’t find Him until He was a toddler nearly two years later. The star […]
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